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Simple command line habits tracker.

Version License


Habito requires python 3.10+ to be available in the system. You can install habito like any other python package.

# Install pipx if needed: `pip install pipx`
# Ensure ~/.local/bin is available in system PATH
pipx install habito

Habito is packaged for following operating systems. Please use the OS specific package manager to install it.

Upgrade to latest version

If you use pipx based approach, please use following command line to upgrade habito to latest version.

pipx upgrade habito

Use OS specific instructions to upgrade otherwise. For example, Arch Linux users may use any AUR wrapper like yay.

yay -Syu habito


Let's get started with a classic habito flow.

Add a habit

There are a few details to contemplate upon before you create a habit.

  • A one or two word name for the habit. E.g. writing
  • A measurable unit. E.g. words
  • A daily goal. E.g. 750

You can add the habit now.

$ habito add writing 750 -u words

You have commited to 750.0 words of writing every day!

List habits

You can see the habits tracked by habito using the list command.

$ habito list

│ Habit                 │ Goal  │ Streak │ Activities               │
│ 1: writing            │ 750.0 │ 0 days │ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □  │

It shows the goal for tracked habit, and the progress for past few days. A symbol indicates goal is not met for that day.

Daily check-in

Let's update progress for today.

> habito checkin writing -q 800

Added 800.0 words to habit writing for Sat Feb 17 2018.

> habito list

│ Habit                 │ Goal  │ Streak │ Activities               │
│ 1: writing            │ 750.0 │ 1 day  │ ■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □  │

With the latest checkin, we have a green colored square for the day. It indicates we have met the goal for that day!

Go ahead and add a few habits. Try a few check-ins. Did you know it is possible to check-in for a past date? And you can delete the test habit later.

Head over to the Commands reference page for more details of each command.